Healing Addiction Naturally

Healing Addiction Naturally: Ayurvedic Remedies for Alcohol Dependence


Addiction, particularly to alcohol, is a growing concern affecting individuals and families worldwide. While conventional treatments have their merits, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to recovery, addressing not just the symptoms but also the root causes. By combining natural remedies, therapies, and lifestyle changes, Ayurveda supports a sustainable path to healing addiction naturally. For those seeking help, a reliable rehabilitation centre in Dehradun can provide structured care and support.

Understanding Addiction Through Ayurveda

In Ayurvedic philosophy, addiction is seen as an imbalance in the doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – which govern the body’s physical and mental functions. Alcohol consumption, particularly in excess, aggravates Pitta, leading to emotional distress, impaired judgment, and physical dependency. Ayurvedic treatments focus on detoxifying the body, calming the mind, and restoring harmony to break free from the cycle of addiction.

Understanding Addiction Through Ayurveda

Key Ayurvedic Herbs for Addiction Recovery

1. Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng)
Known for its stress-relieving properties, Ashwagandha reduces anxiety and withdrawal symptoms, supporting the body during recovery.

2. Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)
Brahmi enhances mental clarity, reduces emotional turmoil, and aids in managing mood swings often associated with addiction.

3. Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia)
A detoxifying herb, Guduchi cleanses the liver and boosts immunity, promoting the body’s recovery from alcohol-related damage.

4. Shankhpushpi
This herb helps calm the nervous system, reduce restlessness, and improve emotional stability, making it beneficial during withdrawal.

5. Kudzu (Pueraria Lobata)
Traditionally used to curb alcohol cravings, Kudzu is a valuable natural remedy for those struggling with dependency.


Ayurvedic Therapies for Alcohol Addiction

1. Panchakarma Detoxification
Panchakarma, a cornerstone of Ayurvedic healing, eliminates toxins (Ama) from the body through therapies like Virechana (purgation) and Basti (enema). It restores dosha balance and prepares the body for sustained recovery.

2. Abhyanga (Oil Massage)
Daily therapeutic massages with herbal oils relax the muscles, calm the mind, and reduce stress—a crucial aspect of addiction recovery.

3. Shirodhara
This therapy involves pouring a steady stream of warm herbal oil on the forehead, calming the mind, alleviating anxiety, and reducing cravings.

4. Meditation and Pranayama
Mindful practices like meditation and Pranayama (breathing exercises) strengthen mental resilience, improve focus, and reduce emotional triggers for addiction.

Supportive Diet and Lifestyle

1. Sattvic Foods: Incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains to rejuvenate the body.

2. Detoxifying Beverages: Herbal teas with ingredients like tulsi, ginger, and fennel cleanse the body and calm the mind.

3. Avoid Tamasic Foods: Processed and fried foods should be avoided as they increase lethargy and mental fog.


Ayurveda provides a time-tested, natural approach to healing addiction naturally and overcoming alcohol dependency. By integrating herbs, therapies, and lifestyle changes, individuals can embark on a journey of holistic healing. For those requiring additional support, seeking help from a trusted rehabilitation centre in Dehradun can enhance recovery and ensure long-term success. Take the first step toward a healthier, addiction-free life today.

Read Also : Is Ayurvedic treatment effective for Modern Diseases

What are the health benefits of Ginger

Ginger Health Benefits –

Ginger has been used since ages as a natural remedy to various ailments, it’s the most common ingredient used in our day-to-day life. It belongs to the Zingiberaceae family with enormous health benefits. In Ayurveda Ginger had many synonyms like – Sunthi (the dried form), Maha-aushadh (a great medicine), Vishwa Bheshaj (used in various ailments), Shringver (as it possesses thorns processes).

Ginger is grown mainly in Kerala, Bengal, Orissa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, and Himachal Pradesh, it flourishes best in hot and humid climates. We hear mainly generally 2 terms related to Ginger – Sunthi, and Adrak. Sunthi is a dried form of Ginger whereas Adrak is a fresh form.

Ginger contains Protein, Fat, Carbohydrates, Minerals, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Iodine, Chlorine, vitamins A, B, C. Its main component is Gingerine and Oleoresin compound, Zingiberol, Gingerol, Gingerone, and Shogaol. These are the components that are responsible for it’s medicinal properties.


Ginger Health Benefits

5 proven health benefits of Ginger

  1. Prevents cold and cough

We all remember that whenever we suffer from a Cold or cough the first thing our mothers or grandmothers do was to give a pinch of Ginger extract mixed with honey because it is hot in potency and possesses scrapping properties that help to scrap mucus from the minute channels. It is widely used in Kapha disorders in Ayurveda to expel cough out of the body.

A decoction of Ginger can also be consumed in cases of cold and cough. Just add 1 cup of water to a pan and add half Ginger to it, you can also add some basil leaves to it for better results. Now boil the mixture till it reduces to a half cup, and remember not to close the pan with the lid. Afterward, strain the mixture and drink it lukewarm (not too cold not too hot), this mixture has to be consumed twice a day for better results.

Ginger extract mixed with honey can be given to children in cases of cold and cough. As children may not take ginger in raw form due to its bitter nature.

  1. Improves Digestion –

In Ayurveda Ginger mixed with salt is given before meals to increase appetite as it possesses Rochan, Deepan properties that increase digestive fire and helps to treat anorexia. A piece of ginger when consumed in its raw form helps to improve digestion.

  1. Soothes inflammation–

As we all know that Ginger is hot in potency it is used in many conditions where the person is suffering from cold or any such conditions. Ginger paste along with Turmeric is applied topically in cases of inflammation.  In cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis, or Osteoarthritis ginger paste is applied to reduce local inflammation. A special indication of Sunthi Churna is mentioned in Ayurveda for treating fever. Ginger tea or its decoction can be used in case of menstrual cramps as it is hot in potency. It relieves cramps and ensures better flow.

  1. Improves Blood sugar levels –

Ginger possesses several health constituents that help to maintain blood sugar levels, it also reduces the blood cholesterol level and helps to maintain a healthy weight. Regular intake of Ginger extract or in any form with other ingredients helps to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic patients.

  1. Prevents Nausea or vomiting –

Ginger is effective in case of nausea and vomiting due to the presence of the Gingerol component. Taking Ginger tea with lemon drops helps to reduce the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Benefits of eating raw ginger on an empty stomach

Ginger when consumed on an empty stomach helps to increase appetite. Fresh ginger cut into small pieces mixed with salt can be taken before food or on an empty stomach to increase appetite.

Ginger side effects

It is advised not to take ginger if you are suffering from high BP, epistaxis, Anemia, Skin disorders, Dysuria, Local application on wounds, and if there is an excessively hot and humid climate.

Excessive intake of ginger can cause eruptions of pimples, acne, mouth ulcers, redness in the eyes, or epistaxis as it is hot in potency. Some people may be allergic to ginger, hence they need to avoid this ingredient.

Ginger for skin

Ginger should not be applied directly on the skin as it may cause skin irritation and redness but can be consumed internally for glowing effect on the skin. Ginger had antioxidant properties that help to fight the free radicals of the skin and other signs of aging like Wrinkles, Fine lines, Skin pigmentation, Blemishes, etc.  The antioxidant helps to fight free radicals of the skin hence promotes glowing and healthy skin.

Conclusion –

We all wonder to achieve a perfect body, skin and need instant results. But it’s the long-term damage that we have given to ourselves and is visible in many years hence natural ingredients work slowly to show their effects. All these indications are based on experience hence should be used carefully especially if applied to the skin.

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Is Ayurvedic treatment effective for Modern Diseases

Is Ayurvedic treatment effective for Modern Diseases

Well nowadays people recognize Ayurveda as a source of Herbal Remedies for some common diseases like cold & cough or Ayurveda is just used for manufacturing herbal beauty products. But it’s a 5000-year-old traditional system of Medicine that has lost in importance in this modern era. It’s a Science of Life that emphasizes not only physical well-being but also mental peace.

Is Ayurvedic treatment effective for Modern Diseases?

It’s a big question for most people whether Ayurveda is effective for modern diseases, will it work or not? And the answer is “YES”

Ayurveda works for every disease be it Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Cardiovascular Disease, Kidney disorders, etc, it works effectively in chronic diseases. And there is no comparison of the Allopathic Medicinal System with the Ayurvedic Medicinal System, both are different pathy of treatment. Allopathic System is an emergency treatment for diseases whereas Ayurveda focuses on the prevention of diseases and if affected with any disease it works on the root cause to remove toxins or cause of disease so that do not occur in future. Ayurvedic medicines work effectively in Chronic diseases without fewer or no side effects.


Why we should opt for Ayurveda?

Ayurveda focuses on the prevention of diseases, works on Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and Panchmahabhuta (Akash, Vayu, Agni, Jal, Prithvi) theory. It is believed that Ayurvedic medicines do not have any side effects or do not cause any harm to our body but it’s not true, Ayurvedic medicines do cause side effects if doses are not administered properly and without any proper guidance. Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from herbs, inorganic substances like metals, ores, etc.

It’s not only about medicines but it’s the food which we consume in 24 hours & the cause of many diseases. Ayurveda is the only science known so far that focuses on the way, time, and methods of eating food. Acharyas had mentioned the food to be consumed, how it should be consumed, when to consume, even the incompatible food (food mixtures that should not be consumed together).

And we all know how food has affected all our lives, nothing is available in its purest form. People eat unnecessarily without proper hunger, suffering from Constipation, IBS, dysentery and still more digestive issues WHY? Because they are not taught about it and seriously nobody teaches us that we should not consume food till the previous meal has been digested.

It’s not only about the food but also the daily activities we do in our daily routine. Acharya Charak had mentioned a separate chapter about “Dincharya”, how our daily regimen should be. From waking up at Brahma Muhurta till we fall asleep at night, every order is mentioned with proper indications and contraindications. So why we are confused between the Allopathic and Ayurvedic Systems of Medicine, they both hold separate roles, which can’t be compared.

Read Also: Oil Pulling

Why people do not accept Ayurveda as their first line of treatment?

Still, now Ayurveda is considered as a secondary line of treatment. Patients when diagnosed with a disease opt for instant relief but achieving an instant relief is not the cure of disease, it has to be removed from its roots. A patient comes to Ayurvedic therapies and medicines when the disease becomes chronic & already had suffered too many side effects of the 9-10 years of medicines intake. And it’s common that we mostly are fascinated towards the modern age, and ignore our roots.

Ayurveda is a 5000 years old system of Holistic system of medicine, quoted in various Samhitas. But we forget that everything is derived from the Vedas and many modern surgeries are mentioned in Sushrut Samhita. It’s necessary that we focus on Ayurvedic concepts whether it’s about food, living, or any disease. It mainly focuses to balance our Tridoshas and our diet, exercise.

Half of the Indian population is suffering from lifestyle disorders and these disorders do not need medicine they need proper guidance. It is said that –“If you will not eat your food as a medicine then you have to eat medicine like your food”, so following this concept we should be aware of the demerits of having unbalanced food.

Conclusion –

Thus the concept of the traditional system of medicine needs to be enlightened and their principles spread to the masses so that minimum or no person should suffer from any kind of disorder. No pathy claims to cure patients 100% but still, everyone is trying their best to fight this battle. The current scenario of COVID infection had proved that if the Allopathic and Ayurvedic Systems work in coordination, then there will be a time when the morbidity rates will be reduced to a greater extent.

Oil Pulling Benefits?

Oil Pulling Benefits?

Oil Pulling

Acharya Charak had mentioned oil pulling in Dincharya Adhyay, and also mentioned its benefits for oral health. Oil pulling known as Gandush in Sanskrit is a process in which medicated oil, decoction, or plain water is held in the mouth. There’s another term used in Ayurveda i.e. Kavala which should not be confused with Gandush. Kavala is also an oil pulling process but in this method, the medicated oil, decoction, or any liquid is moved inside the mouth and in the case of Gandush the liquid is held inside the mouth without moving it.

Oil Pulling Benefits?

Many Acharyas had mentioned oil pulling as it possesses numerous benefits for the oral cavity. We eat a lot in 24 hours so it can lead to the formation of plague so it helps to maintain oral hygiene and prevent plaque formation. It imparts strength to the jaws, clarity to the voice, excellent gustatory sensation, and gives protection from dryness of throat, lips, dental caries, etc. It has a good role in preventing and curing both local and systemic illnesses.

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When it should be done?

Acharya Charak in Dincharya Adhaya had mentioned the sequence of events that should be done after waking up in the morning.

•Waking up early morning – Acharyas had mentioned to wake up in Brahma muhurta (48 MINUTES BEFORE SUNRISE) that is before sunrise as it’s the best time to gain knowledge and fresh air.

•Passing urge of urination and defecation (Shaucha vidhi) – The first thing to do after waking up is to pass urine and stool, as it removes the metabolic waste products from the body that has been accumulated in the night. The urge for micturition and defecation shows signs of good digestion and a healthy gut. Suppressing the urge for micturition and defecation can lead to various diseases, Acharya Charak had mentioned it as an “Adharniya Vega” which means the vega (urge) which should not behold and has to be expelled as soon as possible otherwise can lead to some serious complications.

•Brushing teeth (Dantapavana) – Brushing teeth was performed for ages when toothbrushes were not invented, even then people were aware of their oral hygiene. They used plant twigs and herbal powders for maintaining their oral hygiene. Even different-different rasa twigs are mentioned according to the predominant dosha in the body. Many herbal powders were also used for cleaning teeth.

•Application of Collyrium in the eye (Anjana) – Anjan is a thick substance made from herbs that are applied to the inner part of eyelids. It soothes the eye and gives a calming effect, it helps to prevent eye disorders, promotes good vision, and also enhances the beauty of the eyes.

•Nasal Installation of Oil (Nasya) – Nasya is a process of installation of medicated oil in nostrils. It is said that Nostrils are the way to the brain, hence it’s an effective way to nourish brain cells. 2-2 drops of medicated oil are inserted into each nostril on daily basis, known as Pratimarsh Nasya.

•Oil pulling in the mouth (Gandusha) – Then after all these processes Gandush is performed, Oil is held in the mouth and kept for some time and then spitted out. Hence it is done in the early morning on an empty stomach and should be performed daily.

Oil pulling with Coconut Oil

Oil pulling can be done with any oil but coconut oil is widely used for this as it tastes better and possesses many health benefits also. Since Sesame oil is considered the best oil among oils according to Ayurveda, so it can also be used.
Coconut oil is very high in fatty acids, these types of fatty acids are healthy as they’re both easily digested and absorbed. It’s an anti-microbial, anti-carcinogenic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. Coconut oil has functional ingredients- Caprylic acid, Capric acid, Lauric acid, and Meristic acid. Medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) act as a potential antibacterial agent which shows the most inhibitory to growth bacteria.

Capric acid and Caprylic acid also inhibit the growth of bacteria. Hence Coconut oil act as a great choice for oil pulling as harmful bacteria attacks mouth first. A single bacteria or any kind of infection enters to gut through the mouth only so it’s necessary to maintain oral hygiene.

Oil Pulling – How to do it?

Oil pulling is done early morning on an empty stomach. And the sequence of steps performed before oil pulling is mentioned above.

Steps for oil pulling are

•First of all take medicated oil or simple oil of your preference for the process
•Fill your mouth will oil so that it can be easily swirled
•You can daily practice Kavala as it needs less oil and can be performed easily
•After filling your mouth with oil, move it inside for 5-10 minutes
•Then spit it off, do not swallow
•Wash your mouth with warm water as oil is sticky in nature hence warm water should be used for gargling
•It can be uncomfortable on the first or second try but daily practicing provides better results

Side Effects 

As such there are no side effects of oil pulling, as it doesn’t involve any chemicals or is a very hard process. Just it should be kept in mind that oil should not be swallowed as in some people it may lead to loose stools or vomiting-like conditions.
But it doesn’t seriously affect health, oil if swallowed also doesn’t cause any harm to the body. And also some people are allergic to a particular oil, then in that case it has to be avoided.

The science behind it 

Kavala and Gandusha were performed since ancient times to maintain oral hygiene and now it has again gained popularity. The fats present in oil mix with saliva to kill germs. As we all know saliva also secretes enzymes and possesses anti-bacterial properties which help to maintain a hygienic environment of our mouth. Oil does possess many anti-bacterial properties, which when mixed with saliva helps to remove toxins from the mouth.


Oil pulling is an ancient method for oral protection but now has gained popularity after many years. We do not realize the importance of our old age concepts and how beneficial they can be for us. Not only this but there are many preventive measures explained in Ayurvedic texts, it’s always said that “Prevention is better than cure” but we do not actually follow this policy. If we start giving importance to our health in a natural way and accept our ancient principles, it’s guaranteed that the chances of serious disorders will be reduced to nil.

Why Sesame Oil is Good for Your Hair

Why Sesame Oil is Good for Your Hair

Ayurveda is a 5000 old traditional system of medicine & it’s concepts are unique in it’s own way. Today Ayurveda is considered just a herbal remedial solution to some basic problems but who really studied Ayurveda they know how essential sootras (concepts) are mentioned in Samhitas for simple common cold to complications of Diabetes. The era when modern instruments & facilities were not available, Acharyas used to perform various complex surgeries and even methods of preservation of cadavers are mentioned.

It’s very saddening that the Ayurveda is not considered to that mark which it deserves to be, Still we go for modern medicines to cure a simple high temperature rather using the natural herbs for it. We all are aware of the side effects of many medicines still we’ll approach Ayurveda when disease becomes Chronic.

Hair fall, Dandruff, Premature greying of hair, Split ends, Alopecia, Dry-frizzy hair & many more problems are associated with hair & we all have suffered to some of these problems at some point of our life. But these diseases were not common before 2000-3000 years back, you know why? Because chemicals were not used at that time, everything were available in pure forms, may it be food items, or any hair care, body ingredients used.

Natural Herbs either in Powder form, Decoction form, Extracts, etc were used. Oils were extracted in pure form and these oils were used for head massage that’s why we could see some long-strong-lustrous hair of our grandmothers or mothers in old albums.

We all have heard of Sesame oil, it’s considered the best oil according to Ayurveda. But now we barely use this oil for massage or cooking purpose. Today we are going to tell some benefits of Sesame oil for your hair & how you can use this oil for nourishing your scalp.

How is Sesame Oil extracted?

Sesame oil is derived from sesame seeds. There are basically 3 types of Sesame seeds-

  • Brown seeds
  • White seeds
  • Black seeds

This oil is used as a hair oil, as a face oil, medicinal purposes, or for therapies (in Panchkarma procedures)

Nutritional value of Sesame oil

Sesame oil contains Calories, saturated fat, Linoleic acid, Oleic acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Gamma Tocopherol, Protein, choline, Omega 3, 6 fatty acids.

Sesame oil for Hair

  • We try 100 of hair care products that contain sulphates & parabenes to some extent, whether it’s mentioned this product is 100% pure. Natural or herbal but how you are going to check the purity level of these products. You just trust & rely on what you see rather testing the purity
  • It’s not only about hair products or cosmetics but it’s about everything we eat or drink in our day to day life
  • Pure Sesame oil is highly beneficial for hair as it contain many essential nutrients which nourishes our scalp & promotes not only the quantity but also the quality of hair
  • Applying this oil at night makes your hair super soft without any greasiness
  • It possess Antibacterial & Antifungal properties hence it is used to treat dandruff & other scalp conditions
  • Many people suffer from Alopecia (Baldness), regular application of Sesame oil prevents baldness & helps in new hair growth
  • It strengthens the hair roots & deeply nourishes the scalp
  • It also prevents hair breakage & split ends
  • Sesame is hot in potency so it increases blood circulation in scalp

Read Also: Sea Buckthorn Juice and Oil Benefits

When & how to apply Sesame oil?

  • Oiling should be done 1 hour before head wash as it nourishes the scalp
  • Some people prefer to apply oil one day before head wash & there’s nothing wrong in this
  • Before applying oil just preheat it in a bowl , but remember oil should not be directly heated instead a hot water can be used to heat the oil
  • Boil a large bowl of water then pour Sesame oil in a small bowl according to the length of your hair. Then keep that small bowl of oil in hot water bowl & let it heat it for some time
  • Now you can apply this heated oil in your scalp with the help of your fingertips & don’t forget to massage for atleast 5 minutes
  • Then wash your hair with mild shampoo & don’t use hot water for head wash as it promotes breakage of hair follicles


It’s high time when we need to connect to our roots & bring back our old age science concepts into our daily life. From wakening up in the morning to sleeping at night everything is mentioned in our Samhitas, seasonal dietary & lifestyle habits, What to consume what to not, and how to consume everything is mentioned we just need to focus on that part & live a healthy disease-free life.

Sesame is one such miraculous herb which is not only beneficial for hair but possess many health benefits also. And nothing changes in one day, everything needs time you just can’t judge this oil in a day. Apply and see the results in few weeks.

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6 Tips to Boost Immunity naturally

Tips to Boost Immunity naturally

Tips to Boost Immunity Naturally: We often get sick either suffering from a simple cold, cough or fever. Reasons are different because we all possess different-different immunities. But we can enhance our immunity so that we fall less sick & prevent ourselves from various infections. Elders and infants have low immunity and hence are more susceptible to diseases.

So before going on the natural ways to boost our immunity let’s see what basically Immunity is?

Immunity is a condition of being able to resist a particular disease/infection, preventing micro-organisms to attack our immune system. It’s of 2 types- Innate Immunity (Which is present since birth) & second Acquired immunity (Which we acquire during our lifetime).

Some people become sick as the season changes, they become more prone to infections. The Winter season increases the cases of flu, cold & other respiratory infections as viruses tend to be more stable in cold climates.

A good immune system comes from good health & maintaining adequate hygiene. With rising population & pollution it has become difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Either we are eating bad products or we have poor eating habits.

So here we have listed ways to strengthen the immune system-

6 Tips to Boost Immunity Naturally


Fruits are rich in vitamins and fibre. It is really beneficial to include fruits like oranges, Apples grapefruits, lemons and kiwis etc in your diet as they have high amounts of vitamin C – one of the biggest immune system boosters.

Oranges are high source of Vit C, they’re well known for being packed full of immune system-boosting vitamin C—every variety of orange contains more than 100% of your recommended daily amount. As we all know Vit C act as an antioxidant which prevents free radicals, prevents cells damage, increases collagen production, manages Cortisol levels.

Grapefruits are also a great source of vitamin C. They consists of fiber and vitamin A, which supports immune system. They have high water content which helps keeps the body hydrated.

Apples are great sources of fiber and natural sugars & it’s skins contain  Quercetin,a type of plant pigment flavonoid that helps in boosting immune system.

Lemons- an excellent source of vitamin C, among many other nutrients. The high amounts of vitamin C,will boost immune system and keeps body healthy. Lemons had multiple benefits such as-

  • Prevents bacterial growth and infections
  • Treat throat infections
  • Loosens chest congestion
  • Lemon juice is an anti-inflammatory because of its anti-oxidant properties.
  • Soothes itching and heals with anesthetic properties.

 2. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is important for each human being & it’s advised atleast 7-8 hrs of sleep is must for a healthy adult though children need more hours of sleep. Sleep directly do not effect our immune system but plays a major role in building a healthy immunity.

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Getting sufficient hours of high-quality sleep enables a well-balanced immune defense that features strong innate and adaptive immunity, efficient response to vaccines & less severe allergic reactions. And we know allergies are main enemies of our immune system.

3. Eat Fresh Vegetables

It’s a common myth that only fruits rich in Vit C can help to boost immunity but there are certain vegetables that can boost our immune system. And it’s very important to eat fresh, as stale food items could be a house of various micro-organisms that can lead to various infections & later develops into serious diseases. So let’s see what all vegetables boost our immunity-

Bell peppers– They are high source of fibers and antioxidants & extremely high in vitamin C. Vitamin C is known for its immune benefits like supporting cellular function in both the innate and adaptive immune systems.

Garlic –Garlic is a very famous ingredient in Indian curries. It has been widely used since ages for various ailments. It is a potent antioxidant due to it’s active component allicin content.

Cauliflower plays a vital role in improving the immune system. It contains active compounds such as Choline, Glutathione which help body against certain viruses.

Choline also helps in maintaining the structure of cellular membrane, assisting in fat absorption and reduces chronic inflammation.  The presence of antioxidants such as vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese helps in lowering the risk of oxidative stress and helps to keep the body healthy.

Tomatoes are loaded with all kinds of health benefits. Lycopene is one of the vital antioxidants found in tomatoes that helps in fighting against cancerous cells. Tomatoes contain vitamins such as  Vitamin  A & C  which is an important immunity booster compound.

Spinach is one of the most highly nutritious vegetables. Spinach loaded with antioxidants such as flavonoids,  carotenoids, vitamins  C &E  and phenolic compounds control the effect of free radicals to reduce their harmful effect when consumed.

Ginger is used as a herbal remedy for cough or as an expectorant. Ginger extract with honey is given in cough & has various other benefits.

4. Avoid Smoking & Drinking Alcohol

  • Alcohol has diverse adverse effects throughout the body, including on all cells of the immune system, that lead to an increased risk of serious infections.
  • Alcohol & Smoking damages the immune cells and fine hairs that have the important job of clearing pathogens out of Airway.
  • If the cells lining a person’s airway are damaged by smoking & alcohol, then viral particles more easily gain access to our body causing immune cells to damage and hence more susceptible to serious infections.
  • So if you want your immune system to remain healthy it’s advisable to stop drinking alcohol & say a big NO to smoking.

5.Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) Decoction

  • A very well-known natural herb in Ayurveda which is used in many forms either decoction, extract, churna, Vati, etc for curing various ailments.
  • Giloy is also known as “Guduchi” or “Amrita” in Sanskrit is used as an immunity booster.
  • The stem of Giloy is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content in alkaloids, glycosides, steroid & other compounds found in it.
  • These compounds present in Giloy are effective against various disorders such as Diabetes, Cancer, Neurological problems, Fever, Arthritis ETC.
  • Giloy activates the immune system of our body and increases vitality in a person. It is full of antioxidants which help to release toxins from the body.
  • Giloy also detoxifies skin and prevents acne & skin breakouts. Giloy is also used for liver diseases, urinary tract infections & heart-related issues.

6.Yoga & Pranayam

  • Pranayam is a practice of deep breathing.
  • Increases and enhances the quantity and quality of life, thereby increasing our energy levels.
  • Makes one energetic, enthusiastic, calmer and positive.
  • Brings harmony between the body, mind, and spirit, making one physically, mentally and, spiritually strong.
  • It brings clarity to the mind and good health to the body.
  • Improves sleep

Some of the Pranayams which should be daily practiced are 

  1. Bramari Pranayam
  2. Kapal bhati Pranayam
  3. Bhastrika Pranayam
  4. Nadi shodhan Pranayam
  • Yoga- is a method of physical exercise. The word “Yoga” essentially means-“that which brings you to reality”.
  • Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines.
  • The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to unite.
  • The aim of Yoga is Self-realization, to overcome all kinds of sufferings leading to “The state of liberation (Moksha) or ‘Freedom’ (Kaivalya).
  • Yoga” also refers to an inner science comprising of a variety of methods through which human beings can realize this union and achieve mastery over their destiny.

Some of the Yoga Postures

  1. Surya Namaskar
  2. Bhujang asana
  3. Setu bandh asana
  4. Trikon asana
  5. Uttanpada asana
  6. Padahasta asana
  7. Ardha kati chakra asana
  8. Vajra asana
  9. Bhadra asana
  10. Shashank asana
  11. Gomukh asana
  12. Dand asana
  13. Pawan mukta asana
  14. Sarvang asana
  15. Hala asana
  16. Shalabh asana
  17. Dhanur asana
  18. Tada asana
  19. Makar asana
  20. Shava asana


We all are concerned about our immunity & also of our loved ones. We know that how badly this COVID-19 pandemic has hit us all & affected our lives. So it becomes too important to maintain a healthy & hygienic life so that if we are affected with any kind of virus our body fight all the infection. And all these could be possible only if we follow some simple rules above.

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6 Ayurvedic Beauty Tips

6 Ayurvedic Beauty Tips

Who doesn’t need clear, glowing and flawless skin, almost all of us try to make our skin healthy and clearer? We use many chemical-based products available in market but we don’t have time to use herbal remedies which we can prepare by own. Ayurveda practices the age-old way of using kitchen ingredients and herbs to cure skin ailments.
Here we are discussing some home remedies and some tips on how you could manage your skin ailments and make it natural glow.

6 Ayurvedic Beauty Tips

1. Eat fresh:- Fresh fruits and vegetables have powerful antioxidants which help to fight free radicals of the body. Free radicals, pollution, sunlight and smoking can cause wrinkles and age spots. Fruits and veggies containing antioxidant vitamins aid in the production of collagen (the protein that keeps skin smooth and supple), and may help your liver naturally detoxify to prevent breakouts on your skin.
Citrus fruits and vegetables have a lot of Vitamin C in them which act as an antioxidant and thus fight free radicals of the body. Vitamin C-rich diet such as Lemons, Indian gooseberry, Oranges, Strawberries, blueberries, papaya, Avocados, Guava, Beetroot, etc is rich sources.
Vit C due to its antioxidant effect reduces fine lines, skin blemishes and enhances the healing process.
Zinc is also very necessary for healthy skin, it keeps the skin soft and helps in repairing. Foods rich in Zinc are whole grains, seeds and nuts, etc.
2. Stay hydrated:- We all know how much water is essential for our body, skin. Dehydration makes your skin look dry, tired. It needs moisture to stay healthy and flexible. And what can be more beneficial than water? Externally we can apply many products but our skin needs internal moisture so drink enough water to maintain a good hydration level.
3. Stressless:- Everybody feels stressed from time to time, it can have serious consequences on your skin & overall health. Stress can lead to dry skin, wrinkles, acne and many more skin breakouts. The hormones that body releases when a person feel stress can lead to physiological changes that negatively impact skin.
So how to cope up with stress-
Daily pranayama & yoga exercises can be very beneficial for persons struggling with stress, anxiety issues.
Breathing exercises had a positive impact on the skin as well as overall health. Breathing calms mind and removes all the negativities. It provides a natural shine to the face.
4. Avoid junk & packed food items:– Processed food items are really harmful for the health. They can lead to various issues. For example- Refined sugar releases the hormone insulin, which regulates your blood sugar by transporting sugar into your cells. As refined sugar digests rapidly, the body releases large amounts of insulin to cope up with bringing sugar into cells.
Rapid insulin spikes can trigger the production of sebum (oil), which can clog pores and form pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. These clogges pores further lead to acne. Most fast food items are deep-fried in refined vegetable oils, which are loaded with trans-fats, they can aggravate skin conditions because they are extremely high in omega-6 essential fatty acids.
Acne and inflammation are a sign of excess heat in the body — and therefore, eating spicy foods, which have warming properties should be avoided. Like eating too many chilies, spices, hot -sour sauces etc.
Hence it’s advised to avoid processed food items.

READ ALSO: 7 Ayurvedic Healthy Tips

5. Exercise daily:- Exercise helps keep skin healthy, as practicing exercise leads to excessive sweating it opens up the pores of the skin hence clears out the toxins in form of sweat. For healthy glowing skin toxins need to be clear out and what can be better than having good exercise which will lead to excessive sweating.
During exercise, the heart rate increases and improves blood circulation, which helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Oxygen and nutrients promote the development of collagen to prevent skin sagging and regenerates new skin cells to keep the skin glowing and exfoliating properly.
So what you are waiting for, pull up your socks & have a great session of exercise.

6. Sunscreen:-  Protect your skin from the sun Harmful UV rays of the sun can damage your skin & can lead to sunburn-like conditions. It is always advised to apply sunscreen on your skin whenever you go out. Sunscreen minimizes the penetration of UV rays into the skin can then triggering a variety of skin disorders, Even the mildest of sunburns can have damaging effects in your skin, Essential proteins in the skin are protected when sunscreen is applied. These proteins are primarily responsible for keeping the skin smooth and healthy.

We all buy a sunscreen with a particular SPF, but wait what is SPF?

Sun Protection Factor(SPF) is a measure of how well the sunscreen absorbs or blocks the sun’s rays. Daily sunscreens should be moisturizing broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. The key factor about sunscreen is that it is the most important skincare product you can ever use.

READ ALSO: 7 Tips for Glowing Skin Naturally

7 Ayurvedic Healthy Tips

7 Ayurvedic Healthy Tips

Food is an essential part of our life. We grow, acquire energy by eating food only. But the food we eat is really healthy or we are just eating to fulfill our appetite. There is a vast difference between eating food and eating healthy food and this difference has to be cleared.

Here in this article, we will tell you about the importance of food and what should b included in our diet and what should be avoided.

7 Ayurvedic Healthy Tips

1. First Thing to do After Waking Up-

We all wake up in the morning and began our daily tasks. But morning time is the very productive time we could do for our body and a healthy lifestyle. Just after waking up, it is advised to have a glass of lukewarm water. It’s good to have because for some people it might work for their easy bowel movements and for some it’s just a daily routine.

Some people prefer to take lemon, honey mixed in water. It’s a good mixture to lose weight but it should be kept in mind that honey should never be mixed in warm water. According to Ayurveda honey mixed with warm water can lead to “Visha” (poison) formation. Hence try to have it in normal water.

2. Meditate Daily

Meditation is very necessary for a peaceful, attentive mind. By meditating we calm our mind and soul and our concentration power is increased to many times.
Just meditate for half an hour daily and you will see the enormous results of it.

3. Exercise Daily

Daily exercise is compulsory for a healthy body. Just basic stretching, cycling, jumping, or any form of activity could just improve circulation and stiffness is reduced.

Pranayam is basically a control in the breathing process.

  • Ujjayi pranayam – It is the most common pranayam, It is performed by gently constricting the opening of the throat to create some resistance to the passage of air. Gently pulling the breath in on inhalation and gently pushing the air out on exhalation creates a well-modulated and soothing sound.
  • Bhramari pranayama (bee breathing) This breathing technique is a boon for those with hypertension.
  • Kapal Bhati pranayama (skull shining breathing technique)
  • Among the breathing techniques is considered to be the most important. It is also useful for detoxifying the body and clearing the energy channels.
  • Bhastrika pranayama (bellows breath) It provides positive energy to the body
  • Nadi Shodhan Pranayama – it calms and centers the mind by bringing harmony between both the hemispheres of the brain.


Yoga is a mind and body practice.  Yoga combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga is an ancient practice that involves movement, meditation, and breathing techniques to promote mental and physical well-being.

There are several types of yoga and many disciplines within the practice.

Some of the benefits of yoga are-

  • Building muscle strength
  • ​Enhancing flexibility
  • ​Promoting better breathing
  • ​Supporting heart health
  • ​Helping with treatment for addiction
  • ​Reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain
  • ​Improving sleep
  • ​Enhancing overall well-being and quality of life

5. Never Skip Your Breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day eaten after waking up, usually in the morning. The word in English refers to breaking the fasting period of the previous night. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides energy throughout the day.  Breakfast should be healthy and should not be heavy. Include healthy sprouts, oats, nuts, fibrous items in your breakfast. Try to have healthy drinks.

5. Eat Healthy Fruits

People who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of the body. Fruits are lower in calories. Eating a diet rich in fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce the risk for heart disease, including heart attack, protect against certain types of cancers.

Adding fruit can help increase the intake of fiber and potassium which are important nutrients for the body. Fruits like- Apple, Papaya, Pomegranates, Guava, Grapes, Oranges, Watermelons, Musk melons, Banana, Strawberries, Avocados, Blueberry, etc. should be included.

Read Also: 15 Healthy Tips To Improve Your Health

6. Take Small Steps After Meals

Do not directly sleep after taking meals, just walk at least 100 steps after your meals as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. It will help you to digest your food easily. Try to take your food one hour before bedtime. Try to avoid Curd or any Kapha aggravating items during nighttime. Have a cup of milk with a pinch of turmeric in it.

7. Take enough Sleep

Sleep is very necessary as when you don’t get enough sleep, you may also increase the risk of certain diseases. Losing sleep can impair the body’s ability to fight off illness and people get easily sick due to lack of enough sleep.

Sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, Healthy adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Children and teens need more sleep. Older people need at least seven hours of sleep. It’s not just the number of hours you spend asleep,—it’s the quality of hours.

If you give yourself plenty of time for sleep but still have trouble waking up in the morning or staying alert all day, you may not be spending enough time in the different stages of sleep. So do try to have at least 5-6 hours of deep sleep and awake fresh in the morning.

Read Also : 8 Ayurvedic Tips for Hair 

8 Tips to Stay Healthy this Summer

8 Tips To Stay Healthy This Summer

8 Tips to Stay Healthy this Summer

Who likes the excessive burning heat of summers. We can’t stop summers from arriving but we can definitely prevent us from this scrotching heat and stay cool and healthy.

Here we have discussed some points on how to stay cool and healthy this summer.

8 Tips to Stay Healthy this Summer

1.Eat healthy and light

In summer we cannot digest heavy meals as the agni of our body is minimum. So in summers have light food such as soups, Salad should be included in your diet.  And the water intake should be Maximum.

2.Treat your eyes well

Due to high temperature and excessive pollution eyes are prone to several infections. Sometimes there may be a burning sensation, conjunctivitis, itching, swelling, etc. So it becomes necessary to take care of your eyes during summers.

  • Wear sunglasses whenever you go out
  • Try to have 7-8 hours of sleep.
  • Keep cucumber slices on your eyes.
  • Take enough protein.
  • Take green leafy vegetables.

3. Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol can cause dehydration because it decreases the production of Anti-diuretic hormone which is used by the body to absorb water.

  • And it’s very important to stay hydrated during summers as most of the water is lost from the body in form of sweat.
  • Caffeine and caffeinated drinks cause dehydration in limited amount caffeine | coffee doesn’t cause dehydration but excessive caffeine products can cause dehydration.

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4. Drink plenty of water

Due to increased temperature in summers, the body perspires and water is lost in the form of sweat. So to maintain this level excessive water intake in any form either fruits, soups, vegetables or anything else should be consumed.

Don’t drink excessive chilled water or cold drinks normal water is enough to maintain hydration level.

5. Stay indoors

  • Harmful UV rays of the sun affect the body, Skin.
  • Excessive radiation causes sunburn.
  • Excessive heat dehydrates the body.
  • So it’s advised to stay indoors.

6. Avoid oily spicy food

As previously discussed, in summers our digestive fire is less as compared to winters. So oily, spicy and heavy meals should be avoided.

  • Oily, spicy food also leads to acidity and bloating conditions.
  • Oily foods can further lead to increased cholesterol levels heart conditions, obesity and many more health conditions.

7. Enrich your diet with fresh

Summer food eat lot of fresh fruits during summers especially rich in water content such as watermelons, Musk melons, citrus fruits, lemons.

  • Watermelon contains almost 90% of water content which is very much enough for our body to remain hydrated.
  • Cucumber is highly fibrous and has a lot of water content in it.
  • Coconut water is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and various nutrients. It also has cooling effects on the body. So coconut water should be consumed during summers.

8. Give yourself the much-needed

  • Mangoes have high iron content; it’s a very refreshing fruit during summers.
  • Salads are rich in water content. It helps in mending dry skin by strengthening the skin against harmful UV rays of the sun.
  • Citrus fruits like oranges, limes could be very beneficial. Vit C is very necessary for our body and we can naturally get Vit C from these citrus fruits.
  • Mint which is widely used in Indian chutneys has a very refreshing and cool taste. It’s a very inexpensive herb almost available everywhere.

Hence by following these steps we can stay hydrated during summers and protect ourselves from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Read Also: 15 Healthy Tips To Improve Your Health

10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight: Losing weight could be difficult, but with determination who can’t lose weight. Obesity is the main cause of many disorders, so it becomes important to manage our weight.

Here we are discussing very simple points to manage your weight.

10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

1) Cardio burns body fat

Strength training builds lean muscle mass which both increases your metabolism and decreases fat. The quarter you work out, the more calories you’ll lose.

2) Eat Slowly

The more you chew the fewer calories intake. Eating too quickly often leads to overeating.  Many studies have shown that slow eating decrease the amount of food consumed during the meal due to an increase in fullness hormone (Ghrelin)

3) Add Fibers

Fibers are powerful natural appetite support and so once appetite is reduced, calorie intake will also be reduced which further helps to lose weight.

High soluble fibers included in the diet are:- Flaxseeds, Sweet potatoes, fruits like Apricot, Oranges, sprouts, legumes, oatmeal, cucumbers.

4) High Protein Diet

A high protein diet boosts metabolism, reduces appetite and regulates weight regulating hormones.

A high protein intake actually increases the level of satiety (Appetite reducing) hormones and reduces the level of hunger hormone (Ghrelin).

5) Get Enough Sleep

Late-night sleep leads to starving and late-night snaking means taking high carbohydrate snacks. So sleeping at right time doesn’t lead to staining.

6) Practice intermittent fasting:-

Intermittent fasting is a form of time- restricting way of eating in which food is consumed in a time period of 8 hour Window and avoiding food (fasting) for the rest of the day. This process will increase the time of digestion of food.

There are many types of intermittent fasting such as-

  • The 16:8 method
  • The 5:2 diet
  • The warrior diet
  • East stop eat
  • Alternate day fasting
  • Short-term fasting leads to bodily change that promotes fat burning.

7) Fill upon veggies

Vegetables and fruits are rich in fibers and low in calories and also water content is high in vegetables and fruits.

Some of the vegetables which help to lose weight are:-

Spinach, Broccoli, Green peas, cauliflower, Sweet potato, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, carrot, beans

So avoid excess carbohydrate or high calories diet just increase the number of veggies and fruits in your diet.

Do not merely depend upon vegetables and fruits because a balanced diet is very much necessary for a healthy body, mind and should.

8) Skip the sauces

Sauces are often packed with sugar, high fructose corn syrup and salt.

When you are trying to lose weight then picking the right sauce for your meals is very important.

9) Move more throughout the day.

In Ayurveda it is said to move 100 steps after every meal and it’s very necessary for each and every person. Add the food we eat needs to move in our intestines for good absorption and digestion.

If a person immediately lies down after a meal then the food will not be digested properly hence accumulation of fat cells leading to weight gain.

  • Try to do more physical activites throughout the day as this will help to lose more weight.
  • Try to eat food 2 hours before sleep. Immediately lying down after meals could lead to fat accumulation..

10) Limit your carbs

  • Avoid sugar- Sweetened beverages as they have high amount of added sugars.
  • Bread also has high amount of carbohydrates and generally low in fibers.
  • Whereas whole grain bread contains important nutreints.
  • Fruits juices contain little or no fiber and are full of sugar.
  • Reducing carbohydrate in diet ultimately reduces your appetite.
  • The number of carbohydrates a person should eat every day for weight loss varies depending on age, sex body type and activity levels.

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