7 Ayurvedic Healthy Tips

Food is an essential part of our life. We grow, acquire energy by eating food only. But the food we eat is really healthy or we are just eating to fulfill our appetite. There is a vast difference between eating food and eating healthy food and this difference has to be cleared.

Here in this article, we will tell you about the importance of food and what should b included in our diet and what should be avoided.

7 Ayurvedic Healthy Tips

1. First Thing to do After Waking Up-

We all wake up in the morning and began our daily tasks. But morning time is the very productive time we could do for our body and a healthy lifestyle. Just after waking up, it is advised to have a glass of lukewarm water. It’s good to have because for some people it might work for their easy bowel movements and for some it’s just a daily routine.

Some people prefer to take lemon, honey mixed in water. It’s a good mixture to lose weight but it should be kept in mind that honey should never be mixed in warm water. According to Ayurveda honey mixed with warm water can lead to “Visha” (poison) formation. Hence try to have it in normal water.

2. Meditate Daily

Meditation is very necessary for a peaceful, attentive mind. By meditating we calm our mind and soul and our concentration power is increased to many times.
Just meditate for half an hour daily and you will see the enormous results of it.

3. Exercise Daily

Daily exercise is compulsory for a healthy body. Just basic stretching, cycling, jumping, or any form of activity could just improve circulation and stiffness is reduced.

Pranayam is basically a control in the breathing process.

  • Ujjayi pranayam – It is the most common pranayam, It is performed by gently constricting the opening of the throat to create some resistance to the passage of air. Gently pulling the breath in on inhalation and gently pushing the air out on exhalation creates a well-modulated and soothing sound.
  • Bhramari pranayama (bee breathing) This breathing technique is a boon for those with hypertension.
  • Kapal Bhati pranayama (skull shining breathing technique)
  • Among the breathing techniques is considered to be the most important. It is also useful for detoxifying the body and clearing the energy channels.
  • Bhastrika pranayama (bellows breath) It provides positive energy to the body
  • Nadi Shodhan Pranayama – it calms and centers the mind by bringing harmony between both the hemispheres of the brain.


Yoga is a mind and body practice.  Yoga combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation. Yoga is an ancient practice that involves movement, meditation, and breathing techniques to promote mental and physical well-being.

There are several types of yoga and many disciplines within the practice.

Some of the benefits of yoga are-

  • Building muscle strength
  • ​Enhancing flexibility
  • ​Promoting better breathing
  • ​Supporting heart health
  • ​Helping with treatment for addiction
  • ​Reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain
  • ​Improving sleep
  • ​Enhancing overall well-being and quality of life

5. Never Skip Your Breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day eaten after waking up, usually in the morning. The word in English refers to breaking the fasting period of the previous night. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides energy throughout the day.  Breakfast should be healthy and should not be heavy. Include healthy sprouts, oats, nuts, fibrous items in your breakfast. Try to have healthy drinks.

5. Eat Healthy Fruits

People who eat more fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Fruits provide nutrients vital for health and maintenance of the body. Fruits are lower in calories. Eating a diet rich in fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce the risk for heart disease, including heart attack, protect against certain types of cancers.

Adding fruit can help increase the intake of fiber and potassium which are important nutrients for the body. Fruits like- Apple, Papaya, Pomegranates, Guava, Grapes, Oranges, Watermelons, Musk melons, Banana, Strawberries, Avocados, Blueberry, etc. should be included.

Read Also: 15 Healthy Tips To Improve Your Health

6. Take Small Steps After Meals

Do not directly sleep after taking meals, just walk at least 100 steps after your meals as mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. It will help you to digest your food easily. Try to take your food one hour before bedtime. Try to avoid Curd or any Kapha aggravating items during nighttime. Have a cup of milk with a pinch of turmeric in it.

7. Take enough Sleep

Sleep is very necessary as when you don’t get enough sleep, you may also increase the risk of certain diseases. Losing sleep can impair the body’s ability to fight off illness and people get easily sick due to lack of enough sleep.

Sleep requirements vary slightly from person to person, Healthy adults need seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Children and teens need more sleep. Older people need at least seven hours of sleep. It’s not just the number of hours you spend asleep,—it’s the quality of hours.

If you give yourself plenty of time for sleep but still have trouble waking up in the morning or staying alert all day, you may not be spending enough time in the different stages of sleep. So do try to have at least 5-6 hours of deep sleep and awake fresh in the morning.

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