what should be avoided during Monsoon season
As Season changes many of us suffer from seasonal ailments like Cold, Cough, Fever, etc so it becomes necessary to take necessary precautions, especially during the Rainy season. A healthy balanced is a must not only during Monsoons but in each and every month of the year. Most of us don’t know about the foods we should avoid or eat during particular seasons.
Monsoon season have high humidity levels which is a favorable condition for micro-organisms to thrive, which further-reaching gut fulminate to produce various signs & symptoms.
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1.Properly Wash Green Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are a breeding ground for Fungus, Bacteria & many other micro-organisms so it’s necessary to properly wash & cook green leafy vegetables before consuming them.
2. Avoid Eating Fried & junk Food items
The risk of food poisoning increases during Monsoon season, contaminated food & water leads to diarrhea & vomiting like conditions. Fried food items & packaged foods become easily contaminated with fungus which are not visible through naked eyes to better avoid it during Monsoons.
3. Avoid uncooked food
It’s always advised to cook food before eating, as in high temperatures micro-organisms are killed. Cooked food is easily digested & absorbed by the digestive system. Also cooked food is tastier as compared to uncooked food.
4. Limit Dairy products
Dairy products like curd should be avoided during the rainy season as it is heavy to digest. In spite of curd you can take buttermilk, it’s light in nature & easy to digest.
Milk should be consumed with a pinch of Turmeric, as it possesses antimicrobial properties. Milk should be boiled properly before intake.
5. Drink boiled water
Water should be thoroughly boiled before drinking, as it will kill all the germs. Boil the water & let it cool for some time then you can drink it rather using normal water & try to avoid cool refrigerated water for drinking purpose.
6. Keep your body dry
During Monsoons the cases of Fungal infections increase as we know there is excessive moisture content in the environment so better to avoid being too wet for a prolonged period of time. Especially between 2 fingers, beneath the Knee region, groins etc, these areas are at high risk of fungal infections as we forget to dry these areas washing bathing and fungus propagate in these regions only. So try to keep your body dry especially during monsoons.
7. Keep your surroundings clean
Stagnant rainwater can be a breeding place for many insects including mosquitoes. And we all know that mosquitoes spread many diseases like Dengue, Malaria which can lead to many complications. Try to use herbal insect repellants which do not cause any breathing problems.
8. Sleep well
Most importantly it’s necessary to take an adequate amount of sleep. Every human being needs 7-8 hours of sleep to function properly. When a person deprives of sleep, Vata dosha increases in his/her body leading to tiredness & prone to many infections.
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Everyone wants their family to remain fit & active throughout the year these can only be achieved by maintaining good food hygiene, self-hygiene & exercising daily. Not only Monsoons, but each & every season has a specific diet regime to be followed according to Ayurveda, there are 6 seasons (Ritus)- Shishir, Vasant, Greeshma, Varsha, Sharad, Hemant & each of these rituals had their specific importance, dietary & lifestyle rules to be followed. We just need to follow some protocols to remain healthy & fit.