10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight
10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight: Losing weight could be difficult, but with determination who can’t lose weight. Obesity is the main cause of many disorders, so it becomes important to manage our weight.
Here we are discussing very simple points to manage your weight.
10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight
1) Cardio burns body fat
Strength training builds lean muscle mass which both increases your metabolism and decreases fat. The quarter you work out, the more calories you’ll lose.
2) Eat Slowly
The more you chew the fewer calories intake. Eating too quickly often leads to overeating. Many studies have shown that slow eating decrease the amount of food consumed during the meal due to an increase in fullness hormone (Ghrelin)
3) Add Fibers
Fibers are powerful natural appetite support and so once appetite is reduced, calorie intake will also be reduced which further helps to lose weight.
High soluble fibers included in the diet are:- Flaxseeds, Sweet potatoes, fruits like Apricot, Oranges, sprouts, legumes, oatmeal, cucumbers.
4) High Protein Diet
A high protein diet boosts metabolism, reduces appetite and regulates weight regulating hormones.
A high protein intake actually increases the level of satiety (Appetite reducing) hormones and reduces the level of hunger hormone (Ghrelin).
5) Get Enough Sleep
Late-night sleep leads to starving and late-night snaking means taking high carbohydrate snacks. So sleeping at right time doesn’t lead to staining.
6) Practice intermittent fasting:-
Intermittent fasting is a form of time- restricting way of eating in which food is consumed in a time period of 8 hour Window and avoiding food (fasting) for the rest of the day. This process will increase the time of digestion of food.
There are many types of intermittent fasting such as-
- The 16:8 method
- The 5:2 diet
- The warrior diet
- East stop eat
- Alternate day fasting
- Short-term fasting leads to bodily change that promotes fat burning.
7) Fill upon veggies
Vegetables and fruits are rich in fibers and low in calories and also water content is high in vegetables and fruits.
Some of the vegetables which help to lose weight are:-
Spinach, Broccoli, Green peas, cauliflower, Sweet potato, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, carrot, beans
So avoid excess carbohydrate or high calories diet just increase the number of veggies and fruits in your diet.
Do not merely depend upon vegetables and fruits because a balanced diet is very much necessary for a healthy body, mind and should.
8) Skip the sauces
Sauces are often packed with sugar, high fructose corn syrup and salt.
When you are trying to lose weight then picking the right sauce for your meals is very important.
9) Move more throughout the day.
In Ayurveda it is said to move 100 steps after every meal and it’s very necessary for each and every person. Add the food we eat needs to move in our intestines for good absorption and digestion.
If a person immediately lies down after a meal then the food will not be digested properly hence accumulation of fat cells leading to weight gain.
- Try to do more physical activites throughout the day as this will help to lose more weight.
- Try to eat food 2 hours before sleep. Immediately lying down after meals could lead to fat accumulation..
10) Limit your carbs
- Avoid sugar- Sweetened beverages as they have high amount of added sugars.
- Bread also has high amount of carbohydrates and generally low in fibers.
- Whereas whole grain bread contains important nutreints.
- Fruits juices contain little or no fiber and are full of sugar.
- Reducing carbohydrate in diet ultimately reduces your appetite.
- The number of carbohydrates a person should eat every day for weight loss varies depending on age, sex body type and activity levels.