Ayurvedic Tips for Hair

8 Ayurvedic Tips for Hair 

Hair is considered as a part of beauty especially to women they are hell precious, not only to women but to men also. Hair is considered a symbol of youthfulness. When hair starts falling or greying it is considered as a part of aging. So before letting our hair fall down or it starts premature greying let’s see what we can do at home to save them !!

8 Ayurvedic Tips for Hair

1. Diet For Healthy Hair

First of all diet is the main part of our immunity, skin, hair and overall health. If we are not internally fit, we are not consuming a balanced diet then YES we will face certain health issues and one of them is hair fall.

Hair is made up of keratin protein and for a strong thick hair follicle, we need to have a good proteinaceous diet like pulses, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts and everything that has high protein content in them should be daily consumed. Vitamin C is very beneficial for our hair, skin so fruits containing high Vit C content should be consumed like Oranges, Lemons, Aamla ( Indian Gooseberry), etc.

2. What to Avoid in Order to Get Healthy Hair??

We all know what we have to eat in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle but most of us don’t know what we have to avoid in food items. Food items having excessive oil content, fried, spicy and all those food items which are stale should not be consumed. Tea and caffeine products should also not be consumed in excessive amounts.

3. Tips Before Washing Your Hair

Just apply lukewarm oil 1 hour before your head wash. Be it coconut oil, mustard oil, olive oil, almond oil, etc the list is vast but never wash your hair before properly oiling your hair. Oiling nourishes your scalp and strengthens your scalp which leads to less hair fall. But keep in mind to just warm your oil before applying it.

Read Also: 8 Tips to Stay Healthy this Summer

Never warm your oil directly over the flame, just boil water in a pan and put the oil in a bowl and just keep it over the hot water. The heat of the water will warm the oil and this is the perfect method to heat your oil.
So now just take oil in your palms and apply it all over your scalp.

4. Hair Masks

Nowadays there are enormous hair masks available in the market but we are confused about what to choose and how to choose. See we can prepare our own hair masks at our kitchens.

Coconut oil + aloe vera gel:  it works great, just take 2 tbs of coconut oil and 2 tbs of aloe vera gel and apply this mask on your head and hair for about 1 hour and then wash it off, you will be amazed to see the magnificent results.

​1 ripened Banana+ olive oil mash the banana and add 2 tbs of olive oil. Apply this mixture for about 30 min and then wash it off. This time your hair will be no messier or dried out, you will love your hair.

2 tbs curd + Honey:  You normally daily take curd with your meals but never thought that curd could really benefit your scalp. Just make a mixture of curd and honey in a bowl and apply this for about 30 minutes on your scalp and you will get rid of your dandruff problems. So easy…

​Amla powder: Indian gooseberry (amla) a highly rich source of Vitamin C is very beneficial for hair. Just take 2-3 tbs of Amla powder and add lemon juice to it, apply this mixture to your hair for about 10-15 minutes and enjoy it’s results.

Methi paste (fenugreek seeds):  Take 2-3 tbs of fenugreek seeda and soak them in water for about 3-4 hours, then make the paste of these seeds and apply this to your scalp. Fenugreek seeds helps in hair growth.

These were some of the tips but there are lot more to have good hair day.

5. Drink a Lot of Water

Water is very much necessary even for our hair also. If our body will be hydrated especially during summers it will also benefit our hair also.

6. Avoid Direct Heating

Heating appliances like curlers, straighteners, dryers, etc damage our hair. Many people use dryers to dry out their hair after a head wash, but this should be avoided as far as possible. Naturally drying out hair is recommended. Excessive heat damages hair which can further lead to thin hair, split ends, dryness, frizzy hair etc. so try to avoid heating appliances. Pat dry your hair with a cotton towel or light cloth, do not be harsh to your when they are wet as it can lead to weakening your hair follicles.

7. Moisturise Your Hair

it’s very compulsory to moisturise your hair after every wash as every wash can lead to dry frizzy hair. Moisturizers deeply nourishes the follicle and prevent hair from dryness. You can also apply a natural moisturiser like Aloe vera gel which has high water content in it, helps to moisturise hair.

8.Avoid Sunlight for Longer Periods

As due to depletion of Ozone layer harmful UV rays of the sun affects our hair, these rays damages hair follicle and lead to dry out. Sunlight is also necessary for the body but for a limited time period. You can just cover your head with a cloth to avoid the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Read ALso: Best Brand of Hair Oil in India

This was all about your hair. Hope you all like our content. If you want to just add or suggest something related to this article just feel free to contact us. or if you have any queries regarding your hair or anything just reach out to us and we’ll definitely try to solve your queries.

8 Tips To Stay Healthy This Summer

8 Tips to Stay Healthy this Summer

Who likes the excessive burning heat of summers. We can’t stop summers from arriving but we can definitely prevent us from this scrotching heat and stay cool and healthy.

Here we have discussed some points on how to stay cool and healthy this summer.

8 Tips to Stay Healthy this Summer

1.Eat healthy and light

In summer we cannot digest heavy meals as the agni of our body is minimum. So in summers have light food such as soups, Salad should be included in your diet.  And the water intake should be Maximum.

2.Treat your eyes well

Due to high temperature and excessive pollution eyes are prone to several infections. Sometimes there may be a burning sensation, conjunctivitis, itching, swelling, etc. So it becomes necessary to take care of your eyes during summers.

  • Wear sunglasses whenever you go out
  • Try to have 7-8 hours of sleep.
  • Keep cucumber slices on your eyes.
  • Take enough protein.
  • Take green leafy vegetables.

3. Avoid alcohol and caffeine

Alcohol can cause dehydration because it decreases the production of Anti-diuretic hormone which is used by the body to absorb water.

  • And it’s very important to stay hydrated during summers as most of the water is lost from the body in form of sweat.
  • Caffeine and caffeinated drinks cause dehydration in limited amount caffeine | coffee doesn’t cause dehydration but excessive caffeine products can cause dehydration.

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4. Drink plenty of water

Due to increased temperature in summers, the body perspires and water is lost in the form of sweat. So to maintain this level excessive water intake in any form either fruits, soups, vegetables or anything else should be consumed.

Don’t drink excessive chilled water or cold drinks normal water is enough to maintain hydration level.

5. Stay indoors

  • Harmful UV rays of the sun affect the body, Skin.
  • Excessive radiation causes sunburn.
  • Excessive heat dehydrates the body.
  • So it’s advised to stay indoors.

6. Avoid oily spicy food

As previously discussed, in summers our digestive fire is less as compared to winters. So oily, spicy and heavy meals should be avoided.

  • Oily, spicy food also leads to acidity and bloating conditions.
  • Oily foods can further lead to increased cholesterol levels heart conditions, obesity and many more health conditions.

7. Enrich your diet with fresh

Summer food eat lot of fresh fruits during summers especially rich in water content such as watermelons, Musk melons, citrus fruits, lemons.

  • Watermelon contains almost 90% of water content which is very much enough for our body to remain hydrated.
  • Cucumber is highly fibrous and has a lot of water content in it.
  • Coconut water is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and various nutrients. It also has cooling effects on the body. So coconut water should be consumed during summers.

8. Give yourself the much-needed

  • Mangoes have high iron content; it’s a very refreshing fruit during summers.
  • Salads are rich in water content. It helps in mending dry skin by strengthening the skin against harmful UV rays of the sun.
  • Citrus fruits like oranges, limes could be very beneficial. Vit C is very necessary for our body and we can naturally get Vit C from these citrus fruits.
  • Mint which is widely used in Indian chutneys has a very refreshing and cool taste. It’s a very inexpensive herb almost available everywhere.

Hence by following these steps we can stay hydrated during summers and protect ourselves from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

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Sea Buckthorn Juice and Oil Benefits

Sea Buckthorn Juice and Oil Benefits

Sea Buckthorn Juice and Oil Benefits: Everyone has heard of “Sanjeevani Booti”, but less of us know about its benefits and what it really is?? So here we are talking about ” The Sanjeevani Booti ” that is the “Seabuckthorn Plant” and its various benefits for our body.

What other names is Seabuckthorn known by?

Botanical name–  Hippophae rhamnoides

Family – Elaeagnaceae

  • Commonly known as Seabuckthorn
  • Wonder fruit
  • Super fruit
  • Siberian pineapple
  • Sea Berry
  • Sandthorn
  • Swallowthorn

 What is Seabuckthorn?

  • Seabuckthorn is a plant native to cold- temperate regions. It’s widely used in form of Health supplements, and as a Medicine.
  • It’s a very versatile plant, it’s berries are used for many purposes.
  • Historically it was used as a fodder for horses to promote weight gain.

How does Seabuckthorn works?

  • Seabuckthorn berries oil and juice is widely used in many herbal preperations.
  • It’s oil is rich in Vitamins, Minerals and Anti-oxidants.
  • It’s seeds and leaves contain Quercetin, a Flavonoid that helps to reduce Blood pressure.
  • It’ rich in folate, Biotin, Vitamin B1, B2, B6, C & E.
  • It’s the only plant food known still so far to provide all 4 Omega fatty acids- Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-7 & Omega-9.

Are there any safety concerns?

  • It’s seen that Seabuckthorn acts as a Blood Thinner, which causes Bleeding.
  • It may lower Blood sugar levels in patients suffering from Diabetes who are taking medications for a long time.

Are there any interactions with Medications?

  • Seabuckthorn if taken along with Blood-thinning drugs or any such kind of supplements could raise the risk of Bleeding.
  • It should also not be taken with medications for Cancer, Autoimmune disorders, Cardiac disorders and Gastrointestinal conditions.
  • It should be avoided in Breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  • And most importantly it’s very necessary to consult your doctor before taking any supplements.

Sea Buckthorn Juice and Oil Benefits for skin

  • It’s rich in anti-oxidants which help to protect skin against aging signs and symptoms.
  • Certain studies have shown that Seabuckthorn seeds oil if used in skin stimulate skin regeneration, helps in wound healing.
  • Its oil also reduces inflammation, promotes skin elasticity.
  • Helps to protect the skin against harmful UV rays of the sun.
  • Prevents skin dryness

Seabuckthorn benefits for Hair

  • Seabuckthorn oil protects the cells from Oxidative stress and further helps in Collagen production.
  • As this plant is rich in Vitamin A, B, C, E, & K. It promotes hair strength and Elasticity.

Seabuckthorn as an Immunity booster

  • As we know that Seabuckthorn has an abundant amount of vitamins, minerals, Flavonoids, Antioxidants present in it, it’s very useful to fight against various infections.
  • It’s important to build resistance to any disease.
  • Many studies have shown that Seabuckthorn prevents the growth of micro-organisms.
  • It’s effective against the growth of many viruses.

Promotes heart health

  • Being rich in Anti-oxidants it reduces the risk of heart diseases related to increased Blood pressure, High cholesterol levels.
  • Overall Seabuckthorn helps in the proper functioning of heart muscles thereby reducing certain heat realted disorders.

Seabuckthorn in Gastric Ulcers

  • Seabuckthorn contains Fatty acids, Beta- carotene, Alpha-tocopherol and Beta-sitosterol which is very beneficial to treat gastric ulcers.
  • It has been seen that Sterols and long-chain alcohols present in Seabuckthorn had a positive effect on the intestinal mucosa.


  • Rich in Omega 3, 6, 9 and very rare Omega 9, Seabuckthorn has been seen to cure various ailments.
  • It’s very beneficial for skin, heart, digestion and many more conditions.
  • One such Seabuckthorn juice with the benefits of Kesar and Aloe vera is manufactured by Nutricare Life Sciences. It’s really the best juice one can have to achieve the above benefits.
  • So what you all are waiting for, just log in to their website- www.nutricarelifescience.com and buy this amazing product.
  • Just add 2 tbs of this juice in water and have it on a regular basis.
  • You will definitely feel the miraculous changes in your body, especially it helps in weight management.
10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight: Losing weight could be difficult, but with determination who can’t lose weight. Obesity is the main cause of many disorders, so it becomes important to manage our weight.

Here we are discussing very simple points to manage your weight.

10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight

1) Cardio burns body fat

Strength training builds lean muscle mass which both increases your metabolism and decreases fat. The quarter you work out, the more calories you’ll lose.

2) Eat Slowly

The more you chew the fewer calories intake. Eating too quickly often leads to overeating.  Many studies have shown that slow eating decrease the amount of food consumed during the meal due to an increase in fullness hormone (Ghrelin)

3) Add Fibers

Fibers are powerful natural appetite support and so once appetite is reduced, calorie intake will also be reduced which further helps to lose weight.

High soluble fibers included in the diet are:- Flaxseeds, Sweet potatoes, fruits like Apricot, Oranges, sprouts, legumes, oatmeal, cucumbers.

4) High Protein Diet

A high protein diet boosts metabolism, reduces appetite and regulates weight regulating hormones.

A high protein intake actually increases the level of satiety (Appetite reducing) hormones and reduces the level of hunger hormone (Ghrelin).

5) Get Enough Sleep

Late-night sleep leads to starving and late-night snaking means taking high carbohydrate snacks. So sleeping at right time doesn’t lead to staining.

6) Practice intermittent fasting:-

Intermittent fasting is a form of time- restricting way of eating in which food is consumed in a time period of 8 hour Window and avoiding food (fasting) for the rest of the day. This process will increase the time of digestion of food.

There are many types of intermittent fasting such as-

  • The 16:8 method
  • The 5:2 diet
  • The warrior diet
  • East stop eat
  • Alternate day fasting
  • Short-term fasting leads to bodily change that promotes fat burning.

7) Fill upon veggies

Vegetables and fruits are rich in fibers and low in calories and also water content is high in vegetables and fruits.

Some of the vegetables which help to lose weight are:-

Spinach, Broccoli, Green peas, cauliflower, Sweet potato, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, carrot, beans

So avoid excess carbohydrate or high calories diet just increase the number of veggies and fruits in your diet.

Do not merely depend upon vegetables and fruits because a balanced diet is very much necessary for a healthy body, mind and should.

8) Skip the sauces

Sauces are often packed with sugar, high fructose corn syrup and salt.

When you are trying to lose weight then picking the right sauce for your meals is very important.

9) Move more throughout the day.

In Ayurveda it is said to move 100 steps after every meal and it’s very necessary for each and every person. Add the food we eat needs to move in our intestines for good absorption and digestion.

If a person immediately lies down after a meal then the food will not be digested properly hence accumulation of fat cells leading to weight gain.

  • Try to do more physical activites throughout the day as this will help to lose more weight.
  • Try to eat food 2 hours before sleep. Immediately lying down after meals could lead to fat accumulation..

10) Limit your carbs

  • Avoid sugar- Sweetened beverages as they have high amount of added sugars.
  • Bread also has high amount of carbohydrates and generally low in fibers.
  • Whereas whole grain bread contains important nutreints.
  • Fruits juices contain little or no fiber and are full of sugar.
  • Reducing carbohydrate in diet ultimately reduces your appetite.
  • The number of carbohydrates a person should eat every day for weight loss varies depending on age, sex body type and activity levels.

Read Also : How to stop hair fall best home remedies?

How to stop hair fall best home remedies

How to stop hair fall best home remedies?

How to stop hair fall best home remedies: Hi folks here we discuss hair fall problems and how to stop hair fall with home remedies. Also, we are providing you the best information about what causes Hairfall, Tips for controlling Hairfall and a Healthy diet regime for Healthy  Hair growth.

How to stop hair fall best home remedies?

Causes of Hair Fall

  1. Nutritional deficiency :- Lack of vitamins, protein and other essential mineral in diet leads to hair fall.
  2. Hormonal imbalance :- Testosterone hormone in males and Estrogen, Progesterone hormonal imbalance in females can lead to hair fall.
  3. Thyroid issues:- Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism can cause severe hair fall.
  4. Polycystic ovarian Syndrome (PCOS):- It affects females due to hormonal imbalance.
  5. Stress :- Stress inhibits hair growth and increases resting phase of follicle.
  6. Hair styling products:- Excessive heat damages hair shaft leading to hair fall.

 Tips for controlling Hairfall

  1. Shampoo:- Avoid parabene consisting hair shampoos as they leads to hairfall.
  2. Conditioner:- Using hair conditioner after every wash can prevent dry and frizzy hair.

          3.Diet:- A balanced diet including essential proteins,minerals should be taken for healthy growth.

  1. Exercise:- Exercises leads to increased blood circulation which is essential for a healthy scalp.
  2. Oiling:- Regular head oiling will increase blood circulation on scalp thus resulting in healthy growth.
  3. Chemical Treatments:- Avoid frequent using of Hair colours or any other chemical based hair treatments.
  4. Styling products:-  Excessive heat styling products damages shaft as hair follicle could’nt resist such high temperatures.

Read Also: What is Diabetes? Signs & Symptoms, Prevention

Natural Remedies for hair

  1. Egg mask:- Egg yolk has Sulphur content in abundant amount which is an important content of hair.
  2. Coconut Oil :- Coconut oil restores dry and frizzy hair.
  3. 3. Aloe vera :-It acts as a great conditioner for hair and leaves hair smooth and shiny.
  4. 4. Onion juice :- Onion is also rich in sulphur which is very necessary for healthy hair.
  5. 5. Amla:- Amla is a rich source of Vit C, which prevents Dandruff and Itching.
  6. Fenugreek seeds:- Rich source of Iron and Protein needed for hair growth.

Best Diet for Hair Growth

  1. High proteinaceous diet should be included in everyday meals.
  2. Iron rich foods such as green leafy vegetables, pulses, fish should be included.
  3. Milk a high source of vit can be taken regularly.
  4. Egg a rich of Protein and Biotin promote hair hrowth.
  5. Sweet potatos a righ source of Beta Carotene promotes hair growth.
  6. Nuts should be taken regularly.

If you have any issue regarding this article or you want to add or something to this or update the information regarding this article. so please feel free to contact us at- nh@nowhealthy.info

What is Diabetes ?

What is Diabetes? Signs & Symptoms, Prevention

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorder which occurs due to high level of sugar in blood. It affects almost the entire body.

Diabetes occurs either the Pancreas do not produce insulin or the cells do not respond to Insulin.

Whatever a person eats, it breaks down into glucose (a form of sugar) in the blood which is “The Fuel of body”. A person having family history of Diabetes is more prone to suffer from this disorder.

There are mainly 3 types of diabetes

  • Type 1
  • Type 2
  • Gestational diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes:-

  • In this type, body does’nt produce enough insulin.
  • It results from failure of Pancreas to produce enough insulin due to loss of Beta cells.
  • This type is also known as Insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM).


  • In this type patient develops Insulin resistance.
  • Cells fail to respond to insulin.
  • This diabetes is controllable.
  • Patient can control by following a healthy diet, regular exercise and monitoring their blood sugar level.
  • Obese and overweight people have high risk of type 2 Diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes:-

  • This type of diabetes is among pregnant women without diabetes history. It affects females during pregnancy.
  • Some women have high level of blood glucose by which they are unable to produce enough insulin.
  • They are unable to transport all of the glucose to the cells which results in high level of glucose.
  • Women having gestational diabetes have a risk during childbirth.

Signs & Symptoms:-

Diabetes Signs & Symptoms

  • Frequent urination
  • Increase in Hunger
  • Increase in thirst
  • Weight gain or weight loss
  • Tingling sensation in hand and feet
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Skin problems
  • Yeast infection
  • Itching
  • Fatigue or weakness
  • Slow-healing wounds
  • Altered mental status

Complications of Diabetes:-

  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes Prevention:-

Diabetes Prevention

  • Exercise & Meditate
  • Healthy diet
  • Frequent monitoring of blood sugar levels
  • Consumption of diet rich in whole grains and fibers
  • Avoid consumption of Alcohol and Smoking
  • Limit the consumption of sugar and its products






Although Diabetes is not fully curable but taking small steps to control it can lead to many changes. Every year World Diabetes Day is celebrated on 14th November to create awareness about this deadly disorder.

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